Thursday, July 21, 2011

MSRPG Session Summary #1

Now that I've reached the tail end of my internship I've found some time to catch-up and work through my ever increasing backlog of session summaries.  I've resolved to try and put up a new post every day (M-F) to try and get back into the swing of things.  That being said the posts will hopefully be shorter and less verbose.  That's a good thing right!

Let's get started.

I did a quick intro adventure directly after character creation since everyone was itching to play.  The adventure was meant to be setting neutral and broad enough to lure everyones diverse character concepts into one story path.  Here is what I went with.

Dolphin Ladd is looking to make a quick buck to fund a new save the estuaries fund.  He decides to compete in the Superhero brawl with his newfound powers.  Alas, when he goes to the ring/club he finds out from the owner that Superhero brawl has been deemed illegal, now the new rage is robot fights which sadly he isn’t qualified for.  He spots a surprisingly small robot training with a human amidst the sea of over-sized crushinator 9000’s bots.  The owner of this seedy bar/fighting club lets him know that he is on the lookout for some ‘exotic’ aquatic species and will pay handsomely for it.  Sensing some fishy business Dolphin Ladd dons his tights and waits for nightfall for some super-sleuthing. 

Chameloraptor is exploring the remote areas of the sewers with a fellow morlock.  He comes to an abandoned station with the power mysteriously restored.  He comes to a locked utility closet and hears a pair of men arguing over a bad deal inside.  Using his innate blending ability and corrosive spit he makes it past the locked door and begins eavesdropping.  Unfortunately he botches his agility check and everyone inside is alerted to his presence.  A pair of dragon tattooed thugs emerge with flame guns and chase him out.  Choosing flight over fight Chameloraptor ran down the nearest side tunnel and loses his pursuers although slightly singed as a result.  Back at the rendevouz point he is saddened to learn that his fellow morlock Eelman has gone missing.  Following the trail he finds that Eelman has been taken to the surface and to a nearby warehouse.  Bringing the news back to the morlock colony their warmongering leader demands a night raid to spill the brazen surface dwellers blood.

Night falls and fight night begins.  Stuart offers some last minute advice to Rocco about his opponent's top heaviness.  Rocco the Robot steps into the electrified ring to face his his opponent Iron Kong fully twice his size.  The owner pulls a cord and spikes descend from the ceiling merely 10 ft from the ring.  With the odds stacked against him this was going to be an interesting fight.  The initial blows are traded and Rocco feels he may have bitten off more than he could chew.

With the patrons engrossed in the fight, Dolphin Ladd slips in unnoticed through a ceiling light onto the catwalk below where the owner's office is located.  Spotting a number of armed thugs out front he decides to take the subtler approach and makes his way towards the end of the catwalk where he sees a door labeled "Authorized personnel only".  Using his superb reasoning he quickly bypasses the electronic lock and makes his way inside.  Startled he is surprised to see numerous fish tanks holding incredibly rare aquatic life, many on the endangered species list.  Even more startling are the two humanoid fish like creatures in the last two tanks.  One a slug like man moving in a circuit from the floor to the wall to the ceiling and then back to the floor, apparently oblivious to the outside world.  The other resembles a bipedal eel that is bizarrely being electrified by his own body in the pool of water he was placed in.

Wasting no time Dolphin Ladd uses his mastery of water to remove the water from the tank at sufficient electrified risk to himself.  The eel man is free but unconscious from the ordeal.  Dolphin Ladd uses the respite to hack into the computer system and see what kind of bizarre experiments were done here.  It seems that the owner here is taking extracts from exotic aquatic specimens and more recently mutants in an attempt to create a drug granting temporary superpowers.  No stranger to this game of fishy fusion Dolphin Ladd resolves to put an end to this! 

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